EN 36 Series Steel

Product Details:

Elongation 15%
Sulfur 0.05%
Silicon 0.35%

EN36 case hardening steel stockholders and suppliers, delivering to the whole of the South. EN36 is a 3% nickel, chromium, molybdenum grade. Carburised EN36 gives a hard case with a strong core, whilst retaining a remarkable degree of toughness.


  • As a carburising steel grade it is suitable for roller and ball bearings of extra light section, aeroplane and motor crankshafts requiring hard surfaces for roller paths, connecting rods with case-hardened ends, as well as highly stressed gudgeon pins, gears and certain types of collets.

Carburising / Case Hardening:

  • Case hardening will give a hard wear resisting surface and a tough core strength to the steel.
  • Case hardening temperatures range from 860-960°C, followed by rapid quenching which will determine the resulting hardness.


  • For optimum toughness temper at low temperatures for a minimum of 2 hours. The case hardness should be in the region of 60-62HRc.


  • If it is necessary to soften the EN36 for machining between the carburising and subsequent heat treatment stages, heat to 640-650°C.
  • Soak at this temperature for 1 to 2 hours and cool slowly in the furnace or in air.


Heat Treatment:

  • Heat treatment temperatures, including rate of heating, cooling and soaking times will vary due to factors such as the shape and size of each EN36 steel component.
  • Other considerations during the heat treatment process include the type of furnace, quenching medium and work piece transfer facilities.
  • Please consult your heat treatment provider for full guidance on heat treatment of EN36 case hardening steel.


Chemical composition:

Element Min Max
Carbon 0.12 0.18%
Manganese 0.30 0.60%
Silicon 0.10 0.35%
Nickel 0.60 1.10%
Molybdenum -.– -.–
Chromium 3.00 3.75%
Sulfur 0.00 0.05%
Phosphorous 0.00 0.05%

Typical Mechanical Properties:

Tensile Strength N/mm² Elongation % Impact Izod J Impact KCV J Hardness HB Reduction of Area %
1100 15 40 35 341 50



BS 970 1991 BS 970 1955 EN AISI/SAE Werkstoff
655M13 EN36 3415 1.5752



