EN 353 Series Steel

Product Details:

Hardening 840-870
Quneching Oil
Tempering 150-200
Brinell Rockwell Hardness 62-64

En 353 steel has carbon content of 0.17% and the most common form of steel as it’s provides material properties that are acceptable for many automobile applications such as heavy duty gear, shaft, pinion, cam shafts, gudgeon pins [1,8]. It is neither externally brittle nor ductile due to its lower carbon content and lower hardness. As the carbon content increases, the metal becomes harder and stronger.

Chemical Analysis :

  • In order to ensure the material of the specimen is done with help of the optical emission spectroscope (OES).
  • The result is obtain from the chemical analysis, carbon – 0.171 %, silicon – 0.3 %, manganese – 0.56 %, phosphorus – 0.012 %, sulphur – 0.13 %, Chromium – 0.953 %, Nickel – 0.989 %, molybdenum – 0.16 % and remaining percentage is iron respectively.
  • A sample of 30 × 10 mm is polished using 60 grit papers and two sparks is introduced on the surface to find the chemical composition of the material.
  • After ensuring the chemical composition, the raw material is machined according to the dimension for various tests [3]


  • Machining components, Gears.


  • Vickers hardness measurement is done on the specimen as per the IS 1501-2002 procedures by using Vickers hardness tester (MH6).
  • Hardness measurement is made with 200 g loads, dwell time of 10 seconds and diamond indenter is used for test.
  • The impression is done on the circular faces at the centre of the specimen.
  • The hardness values are taken corresponding to the diagonal length of the indentation.
  • Two samples (i.e. BHT and AHT) and five readings are taken from the each sample from case to core.
  • The average value is calculated from five readings.
  • The hardness values of BHT (case and core) samples are, 193.7 and 201.8 HV respectively.
  • The hardness values of AHT (case and core) samples are 684.5 and 387.8 HV respectively. It is clearly noticed that the base material (BHT) has the low hardness.


  • X-Ray Diffractometer is one of the most powerful techniques for material structural analysis.
  • Bruker AXS D8 Advance X-Ray diffractometer fit with vertical goniometers, low and high temperature attachment.
  • The angle range is 360°, the maximum usable angular is 3° to 135° and wavelength is 1.5406 Å. X-ray diffraction analysis is carried out under the following condition: Cu radiation, 40 KV voltage, 35 mA current and maximum angular speed 30°/s.

Heat treatment Procedure for EN353:

  • CARBURISING Pack, salt or gas carburize at 910C, holding for sufficient time to develop the required case depth and carbon content, Slow cool from carburizing temperature and re-heat to 870C, hold until temperature is uniform throughout the section, quench as required in water, oil or air cool.


  • Re-heat to 780C – 820C, hold until temperature is uniform throughout the section, and quench in oil,Temper immediately while still hand warm. Heat to 150C – 200C as required, Soak for 1 – 2 hours per 25mm of section, and cool in still air.


Chemical composition:

Grade Min Max
Carbon, C -.– 0.20%
Manganese, Mn 0.50 1.0%
Silicon, Si -.– 0.35%
Nickel, Ni 1.0 1.5%
Molybdenum, Mo 0.08 0.15%
Chromium,Cr 0.75 1.25%
Sulfur, S -.– 0.05%
Phosphorous, P -.– 0.05%

