
ASTM A350 LF2 CS Round Bars

We are legally certified industry that is globally dealing with the large numbers of clientele as a manufacturer, supplier, and exporter. We are approved dealer that at the extensive level is dealing with global and local buyers receiving order in bulk and offering buyers the bars of high quality and well on time. ASTM A350 LF2 Carbon Steel Round Bars are globally delivered to various industries and are appreciated among the buyers due to the excellent properties possessed by it. Taking care of the diverse needs of the buyers we are offering ASTM A350 LF2 Carbon Steel Round Bars to the buyers at various specifications. It thus varies in diameter, standards, length, surface finishes, etc. The same is also provided to the buyers at customized specifications as per the demands made by our well-regarded patrons to us.

Specifications For ASTM A350 LF2 Carbon Steel Round Bar

Specification : ASTM A350 LF2, ASME SA350 LF2

Round Bars : 3.0 – 50.8 mm, Over 50.8 – 300mm

Rectangle Bars : 6.35 x 12.7mm,6.35 x 25.4mm,12.7 x 25.4mm

Hex Bars : AF5.8mm–17mm

Square Bars : AF2mm – 14mm, AF6.35mm,9.5mm,12.7mm, 15.98mm,19.0mm, 25.4mm

Finish : Bright, Polish & Black

Thickness : 0.5mm to 500mm Diameter

Dimensions : 2mm – 350mm

Length : Random length 3-6m or fixed length or as per request

Form : Round, Square, Hex (A/F), Rectangle Etc.

